Care and Clearness Committee

The committee’s primary responsibility is to assist the Meeting in being
a community of people who love one another and care for one another, both
spiritually and practically.
The committee arranges for clearness committees, support committees, and
marriage committees. It recommends
readings and resources for members and attenders.
The committee is available in times of need to
listen, to make visits and phone calls, and to refer people to helpful
community resources.
The committee administers the Family Emergency Fund
and may provide material or financial assistance and other personal aid.
The committee handles requests for membership
in the Meeting and assists the Recorder in maintaining the membership
All members of this committee are members of the Meeting.
"By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have
love for one another." - John
13:35 New Revised Standard
Packet on Death and Decline
Clearness Committee Guidelines Nov 2024
Marriage at Langley Hill - FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Marriage Brochure - FAQ