Speaking truth to power
Just like the earliest Quakers, we are called to give voice to our conscience on issues that are in direct conflict with our spiritually based beliefs. Giving voice to our conscience can take many forms from contacting our elected officials to peaceful protest. It is up to each individual to decide how they are led by their conscience to speak out and chose the action to which they have been called.
Langley Hill Friends Meeting’s Peace and International Outreach Committee and the Social Concerns Committee help bring awareness of many international, national, and local issues to the community. The committees actively work on issues and help the community discern how we are lead to speak our truth.
The Friends’ Committee on National Legislation (FCNL), is the largest lobbing organization on Capital Hill promoting peace. Each month FCNL works to raise awareness of particular issues that is of concern to Friends, whether it be defense spending, health care access, or immigration issues. Click Here to learn more about this month’s legislative focus.
To contact your US Senators or Congressmen, click here to quickly access their mailing addresses, office phone numbers or e-mail addresses.