Other Committees

This Committee concerns itself with the personal nurture and aid of members of the Langley Hill Friends Meeting community. Requests for membership at Langley Hill, as well as requests to be married under the Meeting's care, come to this Committee, which organizes subcommittees to explore these requests with the individuals and couples making them. The Committee also reaches out to those in need, those who are suffering, and those who need support. The Committee oversees a Family Emergency Fund, making loans to help community members facing short-term financial crises.


This Committee provides food and hospitality at Meeting events. The Committee provides coffee, tea, and snacks each Sunday after Meeting for Worship. The Committee also sponsors a monthly potluck lunch where members of the Langley Hill Friends Meeting community can eat and talk together. The Committee also arranges for food for other Meeting events such as weddings, memorial services, and use of the Meeting House by other groups. The committee welcomes all who want to help them serve the Meeting community.

Our Meeting Room is plain, and unadorned. However, we celebrate nature's gifts through the Flower Committee, which arranges for a simple floral arrangement that sits in the Meeting Room as we worship each week. The committee is open to all who are interested in its work.  Having fresh flowers every week is a long tradition of the meeting.

The Scholarship Committee administers funds to qualifying members and attenders of Langley Hill Meeting in order that they may participate in Quaker-related activities such as youth camps, adult retreats and spiritual/religious development. The source of the funds comes from several scholarship sources including ones directed specifically to youth and others to adults. Applications are received and reviewed by this committee.