This Committee provides food and hospitality at Meeting events. The Committee provides coffee, tea, and snacks each Sunday after Meeting for Worship. The Committee also sponsors a monthly potluck lunch where members of the Langley Hill Friends Meeting community can eat and talk together. The Committee also arranges for food for other Meeting events such as weddings, memorial services, and use of the Meeting House by other groups. The committee welcomes all who want to help them serve the Meeting community.
Our Meeting Room is plain, and unadorned. However, we celebrate nature's gifts through the Flower Committee, which arranges for a simple floral arrangement that sits in the Meeting Room as we worship each week. The committee is open to all who are interested in its work. Having fresh flowers every week is a long tradition of the meeting.
The Nominating Committee of 4 to 6 people functions to
ensure that the Meeting’s committees are staffed each year by members and
attenders to carry out the work of the Meeting.
Like most committees, the membership term is for three
years. The committee is closed to
non-committee members. Unlike other
committees, the committee works from July 1 to June 30. Members of the
committee are recruited by a temporary nominating committee, usually composed
of three or four members. The committee
is only responsible for recruiting those Meeting committee members who are
confirmed by the Meeting. It does not
recruit for appointments made internally by committees.
Committee members usually begin work in late August with
assignments to committee responsibilities , which involve surveying current
members of the assigned committee regarding satisfaction with their assignments
and work on their committees. Nominating Committee members also sound out
committee clerks as to potential future members and the number of people they
feel their committee needs. The
remainder of the time until November’s Business Meeting is taken up with
recruiting people for the vacancies on committees as of January 1st.
The slate of nominations for the upcoming year is submitted
to the Meeting for Business in November and then held over for approval in