For Quakers, one of our most cherished value is Peace. The Peace Testimony of Quakers does not stem from a belief that peace is preferable to any other alternative, but rather from the personal knowledge that there is “that of God in everyone.” But we understand that Peace is not just about the absence of war, but also the absence of the causes of war – oppression, violence, and aggression.
The Peace and International
Outreach Committee has multiple functions. We meet once a month for discussions, and
participate in other activities, such as marches, vigils, and movie
nights. Most members are involved with other peace or
international organizations. Part of our mission includes
researching peace organizations, both domestic and international. A discussion
of peace-keeping events and organizations fills the majority
of time in our meetings.
American Friends Service Committee (AFSC)
Friends Committee on National
Legislation (FCNL)